Wednesday, February 17, 2010

300 things I want to do before I die.

1. Write a book. Maybe just a collection of short stories or a synopsis of my life. Just to do it and say I did.

2. Complete a triathlon. Don't need to place or compete with anyone, but just finish.

3. Surf in the sea. I may not be any good at it, but I'd just like to try it a few times and feel the ocean beneath my feet.

4. Start a traveling grooming business. Travel to people's homes with a fold up table, clippers and a smile.

5. Go pro with my photography. Travel the world shooting fun things.

6. Learn another language, and when I say this, I mean really learn it. Be able to speak it fluently to other people in that area or country.

7. Take a pottery class. I did this in high school and loved it so why shouldn't I do it again?

8. Sing in front of a large audience. I've done this on a small scale so kicking it up a notch would be fun and amazing.

9. Try my hand at mountain climbing. You know, climbing up and repelling down with all the ropes and things. Maybe a zip line through the woods too!

10. Painting a picture on a very large scale canvas. Not sure what I would paint, but it would be BIG. Thinking big and fun!

11. Visit Hawaii. My Grandmother Helen always told me if you can go anywhere, go to Hawaii and this is some advice I'd love to take.

12. Teach yoga to others. I have really found such a love for this and would love to help teach others how it's done.

13. Go scuba diving and see a coral reef and amazing schools of fish.

14. Visit Las Vegas and see some shows, cruise by the Bellagio and drive in a convertible with all those lights at night.

15. Walk down the beach many miles holding the hand of someone I truly love.

16. Have an 80s movie night theme party at my house. Watching all the 80s favorites or parts of them if there is time constraint issues. Breakfast club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, 16 Candles, etc.

17. Go skiing in the mountains of California. The ones in Colorado were amazing and I'd love to go back there also.

18. Visit Paris and take some time to see all the sites. Perhaps a tour of Europe.

19. Now all the different countries are coming to mind. Australia! Pet a koala, take a walk about, explore with a guide of course. ;)

20. Pay off all debt, and this means credit cards as I'm sure there will be a car & house payment in my future, but not having other debt hanging around would feel wonderful and such a sense of accomplishment.

21. Taking a gondola ride in Italy. Enough said, that would be amazing.

22. Train one of my dogs to be able to take to a nursing home and make friends with the people that live there.

23. Take a sleeper car in a train and go somewhere interesting.

24. Go horseback riding in Wales again. That was an amazing experience.

25. Live in a brand new home with little to no maintenance!

26. Hire a maid service to clean for me.

27. Donate my time to sick children. Help them to paint, draw, laugh and forget their pain for a little while.

28. Stick my feet in the black sea just to say I did it.

29. Ride an elephant.

30. Get married to a wonderful man.

31. Go on a cruise. Thinking of tropical and Alaskan come to mind.

32. Swim with dolphins. How cool would that be?

33. Visit some of the places I went as a kid like Yosemite National Park, Disney World and the Badlands for starters.

34. Write a song. An actual song not just a poem set to music but one that doesn't rhyme and has meaning.

35. Para-sailing the closest I'd probably get to parachuting since I have no desire to do that.

36. Teach about the balancing of chakras as I find it fascinating!

37. Own another convertible.

38. Live in California which is a goal I hope to make real within the next year of my life!

39. Pet a kangaroo. Maybe even dress like one for Halloween with a pouch that I can put stuff in. How cool would that be!?

40. Have my own small home with just thing things I really love in it.

41. Go back to Chicago and stay with friends or in a nice hotel. Enjoy showing someone the city perhaps.

42. Ride a camel in Arabia.

43. Go to a yoga retreat.

44. Sell my childhood home.

45. Ride a uni-cycle.

46. Own a kayak and use it often.

47. Take up painting again.

48. Have board game night & people to actually play them with me!

49. Get to a healthy weight.

50. Learn how to tie different knots.

51. Drive on the autobahn.

52. Travel to as many places in the word as I possibly can.

53. Learn sign language.

54. Ride the biggest roller coaster in the world.

55. Get my picture taken with a celebrity.

56. Teach my Mom something new.

57. Do a bicycle riding tour around a state or area.

58. Work at a job I love.

59. Live in another state.

60. Meet new friends that become family.

61. Do some acting.

62. Volunteer more with children.

63. Walk my dog/s daily.

64. Make enough money to no longer need to worry about spending.

65. Learn more about biology.

66. Take ballroom dancing lessons.

67. Make more pottery.

68. Get on the price is right with my BFF. :)

69. Sell the house I grew up in & take only the things important to me to my next place.

70. Take photography lessons.

71. Become a pet photographer.

72. Only work at jobs I love.

73. Wake up and hear seagulls and waves lapping on the shore.

74. Try sailing.

75. Become financially free.

This is my work in progress list. 300 things take a long time to figure out!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Starting Out

So, I have to admit, starting a blog seemed a bit silly. I mean, I write in a journal, what purpose would blogging serve? Well, I suppose if nothing else it's more practice writing, and who's to say I'm not supposed to be a writer? Or, perhaps it's another way to get things out of my brain so that I can sleep well at night? Well, yoga and meditation have been great for my sleep lately, but yeah. It's amazing what good exercise and quieting your mind can do.

Speaking of...I've committed myself to a program called 40 Days to Personal Revolution and I love it so far. The routine seems to be really good for me and doing yoga daily has so many benefits. We also write down what we eat so we are more conscious of what we put into our bodies. All my pants are fitting better! :) I'm feeling happier and lighter for the most part. I still seem to be struggling a little where I work, but I just am trying to keep in mind that it's an means to an end. I really am trying to be thankful for having a job right now in our crazy economy.

So, another reason I thought this would be a good medium is because I can come in here and write more. So good to just vent things and learn about yourself in the process. I also thought I'd finally write my 300 things to do before I die. Perhaps that will be my next blog topic. Maybe I'll start on that now! :)