Tuesday, January 24, 2012

RIP Peanut 2008-2011

So for those of you that don't know I lost my little dog Peanut at the end of last year. It was a shock because I thought she was generally healthy, but she had fallen ill the last few months of her life and somehow got pneumonia. She ended up ceasing on the table at the vet, and I found this out when I was pretty sick with a cold. I had just flew home from a trip to NYC to see my cousin & his family. It's a strange parallel to my Dad's passing as I was pretty physically sick then too.

Peanut was a Schnauzer & Daschund mixed together. I really miss her and her energy. She was a furry little spark plug and always was happy to see you. Her whole body would wag in happiness. Perhaps her being happy and full of love all the time was why she left this world so quickly. She had already learned all the lessons she needed to & continued to love unconditionally. If only we could all do that.

I've now been very blessed to foster a couple of schnauzers for my BFF & they have been such a wonderful addition to this house and the healing process. It's so interesting to see how my first dog Star has been with them around too. She seems more perky again & back to acting way under her age. Life is short and I'm thankful to have been able to spend the few years with Peanut that I did. I will always remember her and her mannerisms. Peanut wherever she is now is just pure love.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Funny Story - Things you only see in the Midwest...

So yesterday, it snowed a little and of course people were driving VERY SLOW. It irritates most people to no end to have to slow down to where it takes twice as long to get to work & yeah it was the same for me. However, I had a very funny eye witness story that got me through this long drive with some belly laughs, and I WISH I had gotten a photo but I was driving. I looked over into the fast lane, and this guy was weaving in and out of it trying to get there a car length faster. I looked back and this same man had taken a gallon of windshield washer fluid and was then dumping it onto his windshield from the outside. So imagine a guy with his window open and arm reaching around to try and dump the last of this fluid onto his horribly dirty windshield. I was laughing so hard at the whole scene. He then continued weaving and ended up in the right lane where he saw me still laughing at him. He waved at me, and exited on his way, hopefully to get to the gas station to put more fluid in his tank. So thank you to this man who turned my annoying drive in to a full round of belly laughs!