Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Starting Out

So, I have to admit, starting a blog seemed a bit silly. I mean, I write in a journal, what purpose would blogging serve? Well, I suppose if nothing else it's more practice writing, and who's to say I'm not supposed to be a writer? Or, perhaps it's another way to get things out of my brain so that I can sleep well at night? Well, yoga and meditation have been great for my sleep lately, but yeah. It's amazing what good exercise and quieting your mind can do.

Speaking of...I've committed myself to a program called 40 Days to Personal Revolution and I love it so far. The routine seems to be really good for me and doing yoga daily has so many benefits. We also write down what we eat so we are more conscious of what we put into our bodies. All my pants are fitting better! :) I'm feeling happier and lighter for the most part. I still seem to be struggling a little where I work, but I just am trying to keep in mind that it's an means to an end. I really am trying to be thankful for having a job right now in our crazy economy.

So, another reason I thought this would be a good medium is because I can come in here and write more. So good to just vent things and learn about yourself in the process. I also thought I'd finally write my 300 things to do before I die. Perhaps that will be my next blog topic. Maybe I'll start on that now! :)


  1. Thanks Lori for your kind comment on my blog on the post "Why Stack Rocks". Good luck with your list of 300 things. The yoga you do is a great daily routine. Good for you!

  2. Thanks for your kind comment Richard! I keep adding to my 300 things list, but must sit down and finish one of these days...it's fun to dream! :) Yeah, I believe yoga and meditation are transforming my life!! I'm so thankful that I was introduced to them. :) Happy Blogging!
