Thursday, June 7, 2012

What I'll Miss & Not Miss about 442 Jacobs Lane

So, as I continue to get this place ready to sell, a lot of thoughts go through my head about what I'll miss, and not miss about living here. I thought yeah, a good time to blog about these things. The more I think about it, a lot of these thoughts can fall into both columns, and it's interesting how that works.

What I'll Miss & Not Miss...

Peace & quiet: It's so nice & relaxing here, but in the same token I feel very isolated from everyone. It's too far away for people to want to drive out here & I have to drive 30-35 min to work (for the last 17 years), so the last thing I want to do on my days off is drive anywhere. This poses a bit of a lack of social life problem. Most of my friends live elsewhere now too & it's lonely. I miss hanging out with people outside of work. I'm not writing this to get any type of sympathy, but to just state the facts. It would be totally awesome to live close enough to eventually go & do things with people & not have to drive a long distance to do so. I would love being within biking distance of my job!

Giant Mortgage: I have lived well beyond my means here for far too long & now my means have been reduced by over half. In addition to having to kick out my roommate & boyfriend within the past number of months. Getting someone new for only a few months seemed ridiculous. Every single dime goes into this place & I've had to cut out pretty much anything extra to make my money stretch far enough to keep paying the mortgage. Eventually, I will run out of money to pay the mortgage, and I pray this place sells before I have to encounter that.

Large Yard: I love the land here & all the trees planted by my Dad & family. Endless gardening would be awesome, if I wanted it, but it's WAY too much work for me. I can't keep up with it all, and I really am not a fan of mowing. If I had money to pay someone to take care of the grounds it would be totally different. I end up feeling exhausted even thinking about how much needs to be done out there. I'm so THANKFUL to my brother Bill & nephew Brannan for helping me out with it so I can get the place ready to show. I don't think I'd be able to do this without all of their help!

Crazy Crowing Rooster: So for the most part, I will not miss this, but the rooster did come in handy one morning when my alarm did not go off. However, this was back in the days of the "plug in" alarm, and I don't use one anymore. ;)

Mighty Rosedale: I've really built quite the kinship & friendship with the folks at my current job. It will be bizarre to eventually transfer to another store. I can only hope the people there are as amazing as the folks here.

Memories: There are so many in this house. When talking to a realtor recently, I told him I had never moved, and he was like, "but for college you did right". Nope, my Dad was awesome, and let me stay here while I went to college. Granted it was only a year school, in and out, but yeah I've slept in probably every bedroom in this house at some point. So it's a mixture of memories, and it will be strange to live somewhere else, but in the same token I will feel so FREE. It will also be nice to only move the things that I REALLY want vs. having a whole entire house full of stuff to deal with that is essentially someone else's. A lot of memories come up "mental stuff" when you are going through a lot of "physical stuff".

Neighbors at a distance: So I don't even really know any of my neighbors right now because they are so far away. For privacy, it's really nice, but for a social aspect it's kind of sad. The neighbors I do know have lived here for years, and I've talked to them more recently than I ever have. Sure, now I'm getting to know them more right before I leave. Murphy's law? Something else I'll now miss. You know who you are.

Preparing for the listing: Ok, it feels good to see some of these changes finally being made here that really should have been done years ago. The flow through the house feels better & it's not all clogged up with even more stuff. It feels kind of lame I'll only be here a few more months to enjoy it, but I'm glad that all this work will hopefully be appreciated by the new owners. If it ends up getting bull-dozed, well, I know I leave here doing the best that I could, and making it look the best ever. I think I've painted every room in the house, and some more than once! I will not miss the extensive work it takes to keep this place going & that includes going up and down the 2 flights of stairs thousands of times! It will also be great to bring yoga back into my life. I've had to give it up for a while in order to keep pushing forward on all the things that need to be done here. Thanks to anyone who has landed a hand!!

Fall Leaves & Winter: I hear from my Californian friends that the changing of the leaves (as shown in my photo) are something else that I'll miss. However, I will not miss what that leads into, WINTER. I won't miss scraping ice, driving on scary roads & all of these in order to commute the long distance to work. I won't miss trying to snow blow the driveway, and shovel the porch. Scraping off my car in order to get home & the hour or more it would take to drive there. The bitter cold and my nose hairs freezing. Not being able to walk dogs because it's too wet or cold.

The feeling of "home": So I wonder if after I leave, will anywhere else truly feel like it's home? Knowing this is the only home I've ever had, will somewhere actually feel like home again? I guess I will find that out and it's exciting and terrifying all at the same time!

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts. I appreciate the part that you play in my life no matter where that is. I pray that I will be able to get back on track in a new place, and I'm excited for the chance to find where my new "home" is.

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